Workers unite (around the table!)

Mayday is the International call sign of DISTRESS, and when I look at the choice available for food on this day, I can only agree! Everyone must be too busy dancing around the Maypole, but that makes you hungry and thirsty!
I like the German idea - Maitag serves as "Dad's Day" (Vatertag) as well, and the fellows arrange beerwagons and little beerpicnicks, disappear for the whole day and have fun until the headache in the morning!
  This is full of bier and blokes....for the necessary toilets there are no recommendations!

For specials on the table there are few offerings as well......!
Right here in my area, there are the local items in season, particularly Asparagus, and due to the lack of choice otherwie, it is served in all manners,,,,quiche - steamed-grilled-with bechamel gratined, with all those butter mayonnaise sauces - bearnaise,  hollandaise even tartare.
Always with a message......... except here there is no time for demonstrations - we're here to eat!

 So - have a nice time - if you can......MY wife has strange ideas (Italian ones) some kind of pasta and gravy for lunch......I ask you - on Mayday....!
See what I mean...? "MAYDAY" in the International sense......distress call!

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