
When you live, as I do, in a place which has a large number of Arab (of all origins) co-Citizens, you learn to appreciate their products and their way of living. You have to since they tend to be in charge of the market stands with the best and generally cheaper fruit, vegetables and herbs so typically "Arab" like the fresh mint for Tea, which they do sell, but more often than not give away.
Because of this, and being a natural outgoing "cosmopolitan" type, I have always had the most cordial relationships with all races, creeds and Nationalities, the "Arabs" of this village included.
Probably one of the most interesting times of the year for the Arab population is the annual period of great festivity....A period which changes slightly every year, generally August/September, and is always to be noted, because around and during the period, one would beleive that the population had halved in the town - fact is that since a Muslim is forbidden to eat until sunset during this period, they tend simply not to go out of their homes!
Sunset arrived, the situation changes, and the tables start to groan with all sorts of delectable (and some not quite so) dishes. Often families here will get together and present an entire mutton, head and all, roasted on spits, or lambs done in the same way.
I have had the honour on many occasions to be invited, and frankly, the only reason I do no longer accept the invitations is because of the religious nature of the festivity - I don't know what I'm supposed to do at given moments....which bothers me!
If it was just for the food - I'd be there, and probably end up like this........ 
I have, unfortunately, realised the impossible task of listing Arab specialities, as I mentioned in part 1, they are simply so varied that it is an impossible task to get them all onto one place. All I can suggest is following any invitation you may receive, or should you be fortunate enough to travel to far flung lands, then to try to enter into local customs and local foodhalls and restaurants.
You will always find that the people are so happy that you are making an attempt that they will "overlook" errors and mistakes, sometimes exceptionally serious...but they will always show the famous Arab hospitality always ending - sometimes beginning and ending with:
REAL "MINT TEA"........

Just enjoy it - the tea and the hospitality.........!
If you want to investigate further, here is a page which should help you:

iwmpop(mr le marquis)           -             Vauvert, France             -           Mars 2011

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