Am I too early.....?

...maybe I'm a bit too early, but where I live it most certainly is Summer, so to go with your new photo, here are a few suggestions for that period of the year......SUMMER!

Now, I know.....NOBODY likes's always nicer to have that wonderful dreary foggy, humid weather, but unfortunately Summer comes every year, and we all, or nearly all, start burning to various degrees, those poor things that are normally so good. Here are some more tips and ideas:
Personally, I have my own ideas on beaches for me, my scalp gets crisped, even with a hat on, I always seem to bring back half of the sand from the beach and spend the next 6 months sweeping and clearing it up.....indoors.
I prefer things like Picnics......preferably miles away from anything and anybody, but only if I can get the wine cooled properly, if there are no flies, mosquitos and other things buzzing madding crowds, no kids, no cars, no nothing in fact!
You see....I'm not really is an ideal place for a picnic, at least - for me!

Have a nice Summer, articles may risk being fewer during the period of "Tourist treating", watch out for the BBQ Bugs....the overwarm wine and subsequent heartburn....and that other form of burning....not at all agreeable......(and I swore it would NEVER happen again).......

iwmpop(mrlemarquis)    -       Vauvert,France     -      Juin 2011

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