But.....Autumn most certainly IS coming,
Just in time, Autumn arrives and presents us with all those things only available in Autumn. The summer vegetables and fruits can generally almost all be obtained all year around in some form or other, be it frozen, fresh (from the other side of the world) in cans - tins - dried - preserved, but Autumn's offer can only be obtained - in Autumn!
At least, I've never seen pumpkin, or those other gourds (squash) in any other form than fresh. Maybe they do exist, but I don't know where! Of course there are certain items available in other forms all the year round, but true experts (if their still alive after eating them) will tell you that they are "not worth the candle" - the only true way to taste these things is in Autumn and in fresh form. I'm talking, of course, about these things.......
Well that's true, but then - so do (or can do) "mushrooms" - paricularly this little thing.....
All the same, I think I prefer not to bother than to put my life in the hands of a Chemist....!
Even although a lot of "funghi" seem to be trying to tell us something,
Anyway, even if it spoils your healthy walks in the woods, which you can still do anyway, wsatch out for these little boys.......
Again, my personal favourites in Autumn are all those things that can be cooked, even if it takes quite a long time, by vapour, in some butter, and in a sealable bag. Then....they get squashed (maybe that's why a lot of them are so named) and seasoned, and with all the different colours, orange - white - green - red even blue (I adore "blue cabbage") all arranged on a magnificent large platter, they are quite splendid, full of goodness, non-fattening, and they all have their own texture and taste. Simple green cabbage, cooked a la vapeur, is a quite magnificent, healthy and filling dish - cheap as well.
Even cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts should be considered for inclusion in a beautifully arranged on a colourful platter!
Of course one type of cabbage preperation is NOT ignored in classic cuisine.... "Choucroute" or "Sauerkraut" (pickled cabbage)
The only thing I would mention about Choucroute or Sauerkraut is that it is an "acquired" taste....and the bulk of people who prepare it at home always forget to do the most important thing...steep the pickled cabbage - for some hours - in cold water, changed frequently. Believe me it makes all the difference.....
So - there you are - Autumn is coming - the goose can stay alive until the coming celebrations, and they know it....!
mrlemarquis (iwmpop) - Vauvert, France - Aug/Sept 2011
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