Tian.....? Tian.....? Strange goin's on!

Although on holiday, I'm working away at the building up of a little occupation for myself and for the lady who shares my life, and from the beginning, an arrangement of our names seemed to give a reasonable name for the thing....."Tian Enterprises".....so that's what it's called!

Neither of us were aware that on Google search, there are something around 4,600,000 entries - just for photos/images on the word "Tian"....!

From a simple gratined dish made of simple provençale vegetables to more complicated dishes, to more complicated explanations of what "Tian" is otherwise, such as some kind of "occult" Chinese symbol -with all kinds of meanings....Well we didn't know all that...So I'll take the tian with the duck.. ...and maybe the Tian with the other interesting things like.....this(she's called "Tian Shi" - it says so on the title......)

and TC can have the cultural and vegetable side......she loves all that kinda stuff......!

Well now we know what it means, we'll have to make it damned good - to keep up with the history.........and I guess I'll go figure out how to cook it....here in the Provence I guess it's an obligation!

And then.....

Bet ya NEVER knew this: 

Above is the Chinese Oracle Script for "TIAN" - amazin' really -  never knew it existed when the name was chosen....!
Know what it means?

......"Heaven and Sky" ........ from the Chinese! 

Somebody or somethin' trying to tell us something......?
Bonne AppĂ©tit!

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